Silviculture and forestry workers
National Occupation Code (NOC): 8422
Silviculture and forestry workers perform a variety of duties related to reforestation and to the management, improvement and conservation of forest lands. They are employed by logging companies, contractors and government services.
Job Duties for Silviculture and forestry workers
- Assess site, select seedlings and plant trees using manual planting tools in reforestation areas
- Operate power thinning saw to thin and space trees in reforestation areas
- Operate chain saw to thin young forest stands
- Control weeds and undergrowth in regenerating forest stands using manual tools and chemicals
- Complete firefighting reports and maintain firefighting equipment
- Dig trenches, cut trees, pump water on burning areas to fight forest fires under direction of fire suppression officer or forestry technician
- Operate and maintain a skidder, bulldozer or other prime mover to pull a variety of scarification or site preparation equipment over areas to be regenerated
- Perform other silviculture duties such as collecting seed cones, pruning trees, assisting in planting surveys and marking trees for subsequent operations.
Working Conditions for Silviculture and forestry workers
Work is performed in remote outdoor locations. Safety measures and specialized training are in place to prevent injury from machinery, falling trees, and forest fires.
Alternate Job Titles
- Brush Cutter - Forestry
- Clearing Saw Operator - Forestry
- Fire Crewman/woman - Forestry
- Fire Lookout
- Fire Suppression Crewman/woman - Forestry
- Forest Firefighter
- Forestry Conservation Worker
- Forestry Crew Worker
- Forestry Crewman/woman
- Forestry Worker
- Forestry Worker - Logging
- Lookout - Forestry
- Pieceworker - Silviculture
- Precommercial Tree Thinner
- Scarification Equipment Operator
- Scarification Equipment Operator - Forestry
- Scarifier Operator - Silviculture
- Seed Cone Collector
- Seed Cone Picker
- Silviculture Worker
- Spacing Saw Operator
- Spacing Saw Operator - Forestry
- Thinning Saw Operator
- Thinning Saw Operator - Forestry
- Tree Pruner - Forestry
- Tree Spacer - Forestry
- Brush Cutter - Forestry
- Clearing Saw Operator - Forestry
- Fire Crewman/woman - Forestry
- Fire Lookout
- Fire Suppression Crewman/woman - Forestry
- Forest Firefighter
- Forestry Conservation Worker
- Forestry Crew Worker
- Forestry Crewman/woman
- Forestry Worker
- Forestry Worker - Logging
- Lookout - Forestry
- Pieceworker - Silviculture
- Precommercial Tree Thinner
- Scarification Equipment Operator
- Scarification Equipment Operator - Forestry
- Scarifier Operator - Silviculture
- Seed Cone Collector
- Seed Cone Picker
- Silviculture Worker
- Spacing Saw Operator
- Spacing Saw Operator - Forestry
- Thinning Saw Operator
- Thinning Saw Operator - Forestry
- Tree Pruner - Forestry
- Tree Spacer - Forestry