Career Library

Career Library

Workers in agriculture and fishing occupations

This minor group comprises workers in agriculture and fishing occupations, including specialized livestock workers; farm machinery operators; and fishing vessel deckhands. They are employed by commercial fishing operators or self-employed owner-operators of fishing vessels; crop, livestock, fruit, vegetable and specialty farms; or they may be self-employed.

84120 · Specialized livestock workers and farm machinery operators
0 Jobs

Specialized livestock workers carry out feeding, health and breeding programs on dairy, beef, sheep, poultry, swine and other livestock farms. Farm machinery operators operate and maintain farm machinery and equipment. They are employed on crop, livestock, fruit, vegetable and specialty farms.

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84121 · Fishing vessel deckhands
0 Jobs

Fishing vessel deckhands perform a variety of manual tasks on commercial fishing voyages, and maintain fishing vessels. They are employed by establishments that operate commercial fishing vessels and by self-employed fishermen/women.

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