Career Library

Career Library

Graphic and interior designers

This minor group comprises graphic designers, illustrators, and interior designers and interior decorators. They are employed by advertising, graphic design, communications, construction, architectural, interior design and multimedia production companies and other establishments with related departments such as hotel, restaurant and retail establishments; or they may be self-employed.

52120 · Graphic designers and illustrators
0 Jobs

Graphic designers conceptualize and produce graphic art and visual materials to effectively communicate information for publications, advertising, films, packaging, posters, signs and interactive media such as Web sites and CDs. They are employed by advertising and graphic design firms, by establishments with advertising or communications departments and by multimedia production companies, or they may be self-employed. Graphic designers who are also supervisors, project managers or consultants are included in this unit group. Illustrators conceptualize and create illustrations to represent information through images. They are almost solely self-employed.

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52121 · Interior designers and interior decorators
0 Jobs

Interior designers and interior decorators conceptualize and produce aesthetic, functional and safe designs for interior spaces in residential, commercial, cultural, institutional and industrial buildings. They are employed by architectural and interior design firms, retail establishments, construction companies, hospitals, airlines, hotel and restaurant chains, and other establishments, or they may be self-employed.

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