Career Library

Career Library

Creative and performing artists

This minor group comprises creative and performing artists, including producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations; conductors, composers and arrangers; and musicians and singers. They are employed by radio and television stations, broadcast departments, and film, television and recording studios; advertising and record production companies; ballet, dance and opera companies; orchestras, bands, choirs, concert halls, theatres, lounges and night clubs; television, theatre, film and other production companies; and dance, acting and art schools; or they may be self-employed.

51120 · Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
0 Jobs

Producers, directors, choreographers and professionals in related occupations oversee and control the technical and artistic aspects of film, television, video game, radio, dance and theatre productions. They are employed by film production companies, radio and television stations, video game companies, broadcast departments, advertising companies, sound recording studios, record production companies and dance companies. They may also be self-employed.

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51121 · Conductors, composers and arrangers
0 Jobs

Conductors, composers and arrangers conduct bands and orchestras, compose musical works and arrange instrumental and vocal compositions. They are employed by symphony and chamber orchestras, bands, choirs, sound recording companies, and orchestras for ballet and opera performances, or they may be self-employed.

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51122 · Musicians and singers
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Musicians and singers perform with orchestras, choirs, opera companies and popular bands in establishments such as concert halls, lounges and theatres and in film, television and recording studios. This unit group also includes music teachers who usually teach in conservatories, academies and private homes.

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